Mixed Martial Arts Training-Having a Winning Strategy-Aurora,Naperville,Chicago,Minooka

Strategy is a big part of winning.  A fight has a beginning, a middle, and an end.  All are important.  In the beginning phase, you are cautious and look for an advantage.  If you are able to get ahead on the score, you are in control of the match.  It is up to your opponent to catch up, which forces him to take chances.  You must be ready to take advantage of the chances he will take.  If you stay ahead into the middle of the fight, you should bring the fight to your environment.  Do the things you do best and let your opponent open up.  As the fight gets towards the end, your opponent will risk even more, but at this point, you need to be prepared to contain yourself.  Many times, risking a submission or a sweep late in the match will give your opponent an opportunity to reverse and score, and you may end up losing the fight.  At this point, late in the match and ahead in the score, you must know how much time is left in the match and how large you point lead is.  If it is large, you may allow a sweep or a low-scoring move to happen, rather than fight it and expose yourself to a submission.  If your lead is narrow, you don’t have such a luxury.

If you fall behind on the score in a match, the situation changes.  Then it is up to you to open up and take risks.  If you are behind early in the match, you can still allow the match to run its course and stay with your original master plan, but you need to have a plan to become more aggressive at a set time.  In a ten-minute match, some people are comfortable being behind with three minutes to go, while others start to take chances earlier.  Generally speaking, if you have a solid game, you should be able to continue to create situations under your normal pace to even the score.  If with three minutes left you are still behind, it is time to take bigger risks.  The size of the risk depends on the score spread, but you need to understand your game, your strengths and your limitations, and have a clear picture of what you want to do and where you want to be at every part of the match.  Of course, any time a good submission opportunity presents itself you may want to take it, but keep in mind that doing so does open doors for your opponent.

Everyone is different, but by competing frequently and later analyzing the matches and your performance, you will be able to develop your own fight strategy.

For more information on an MMA Gym in your area, or more fighting tips, please check out this website: Pure MMA Training

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